Customer Services
We provide services in competency strategy analysis, competency specification and engineering, competency processing with analytics and its customisation of its underlying AI technologies. More...
Intelartes is a private company, registered in Belgium and United Kingdom. With its technologies in text management,
natural language processing, semantic processing, knowledge bases and inferences, algorithms and analytics, it provides robust efficient
solutions in content, knowledge and resources management, intelligent decision support and system recommendation with flexible customisation,
self-optimisation and adaptation.
It offers intelligent middleware components and services in the applications of natural language understanding, dialogue systems, content management, virtual agents in customer cares and recommendation, human resource management, knowledge-based reasoning and machine translation.
Its team has extensive experience in AI research and applications in such domains as human resources management, automatic trading, financial fraud detection and medical information, from both academic research and industrial development, with either private or public funding, in Europe, America and China.
Clients & collaborators