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Competency  Analytics  &  Management

The issue of people at work is pervasive. Besides the primary players: worker and employer on the scene, there are other stakeholders: employment agencies, training providers, professional associations and policy makers.

What job shall I do next
What profession should I go into
Who will carry out the project
Who is the best candidate for the job
How is the team performing
How is staff better engaged at workplace


What is the skill gap
What is the opportunity of career development
How is training best adapted to learning needs
How is the profession be accredited and regulated
What are future trends of the profession or sector
What is the workforce plan for the business strategies

The worker needs be effective at work for his intellectual, physical economic well-being. The employer needs productivity from work for business growth. The underlying issue is competences demanded by the employer and offered by the worker at work.

There is such confusion and debate about the concept of competence that it is impossible to identify or impute a coherent theory or to arrive at a definition capable of accommodating and reconciling all the different ways the term is used. P-E. Ellestrom (1997) The many meanings of occupational competence and qualification, Journal of European Industrial Training, Vol. 21.

Competence - a working definition
It is an ability demonstrated in an activity at work. It has multiple aspects, expressed in terms such as abilities, skills, expertise, knowledge, education, qualification, behaviour, aptitude, values, attitudes. Its denotation, classification and quantification are context-sensitive, stakeholder-dependent and appliction specific.

Competency is a competence profile, a set of competences associated with a person, team, task, role, project, profession, service, process, practices, courses, publications and policy.

Communicating Competency Competences are expressed in formal, semi-formal and informal representations. They can be represented in a formal system, such as ontology, for knowledge reasoning in artificial intelligence. They can also be specified in restricted natural language in a specific information model, for example, competency frameworks. The former is to enable intelligent computation in computer systems; whereas the latter is intended as organizational, professional or sectorial guidelines or standards for consensus and communication in human resources management and development. Its informal representation, however, is more of 'vernacular' description than of 'professional' specification. It is intuitive and common in communicating about competences. But their denotation is often imprecise and ambiguous. Their interpretation depends on both explicit and implicit contexts of use. Examples are CV, job advertisements, performance evaluation and course descriptions.

Managing competency Communicating about competency is to

These primary functions of Competency Management, facilitation and mediation, impact directly on business and economic performance and, in turn, on social context.

? Worker Employer Business Economy Policy Society Wellbeing Training Recruitment Technology Administration Consultancy Regulation Education